Wanted to wish all a Happy Christmas!

Hey folks! While I personally don't celebrate holidays much these days I mean hard to get excited for this with bad health, not married, no kids, which is a blessing in itself! They cost to much to raise.

When you're disabled, and without family it can be a sad time! Or a good time to relax.. Depends on how you look at life but enough about me.. Hope you all are much better than I... But with that out of the way I'm sure a lot of you are on SANTA'S good list and you will get your stocking stuffed, drawers filled and belly's digesting a fine holiday meal made from the best butchered animal served with lots of love, and enjoy telling stories over fires burning in yule type logs.

I'll be spending it eating a hot pocket cooked in a dirty microwave... But served with a lot of love so who's complaining? Nope not me! Especially since I got a box full of these babies ready to munching. Besides I don't care what people think. But anyways. 

All I wanted to say is I wanted to wish you all a happy holidays, Merry Christmas, or whatever the hell you celebrate there rainbow. Oh and it's from the bottom of my bleeding... Heart.

Or Before It stops ticking and I stop posting for good... So the only Yule log I'll be burning til then will be after the Hot pockets when I have to hit the Bathroom. Hope for the best on that one for me. Nobody wants to go out like the KING Elvis. You know on the toilet bloated and covered in your own vomit & poo.

With that said didn't Elvis sing something for the holidays? Hmmm

But until that day comes my good friends remember that in 2025 we shall have hope again! So let's hope the final days of 2024 go by without anything major bad happening. As you know lot's of Drones and rumors flying around. All I hope is that the next year we're all alive, well and on the path to a bright, and better future.

While we count down and wait for new years! For the rest of us... Remember... It's Festivus! 

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