Brand new player below!

Hope you all enjoy the new look on the site as it's coming together here for the end of 2024. Just added a new Spreaker player on this page so it's easier for anyone who wants to check out the show just scroll down some and you will see my new Spreaker player.

This also replaces all the other players which I had before on the terms of the Audio part of the podcast. The YouTube links, and Rumble and all that other good stuff can still be found both here and on the show page for Inside Tha Jackals Head as well as the one for Skywatchers Radio.

With this said I want to also let people know that the Spreaker is monetized and will have an ad or two before it starts but please don't worry the show will start and it will I hope help bring in some much needed revenue to my show, and myself which is very needed. As most of the listeners know I'm pending disability and myself I can't work due to my illness, and injury so this is how I'm able to scrap by is by I hope having these shows pay off a bit. 

Also your help on my Patreon page is always welcomed as I need the most Angel Investors as possible. Anything from $3 to $5 a month as a pledge means the world to someone who can't work a regular job and is pending disability. Sad thing is even if I could some how work a normal job even disabled the government wouldn't give me the medical help I need.

Please look out for us citizens who need the help. Again it's easy just go to my Patron page by clicking Here.

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