About ME

Well I will just say that my story isn't one that can be filled out in a quick "About me" so I'll keep it to the shows, and the rest you will have to just read the book when it comes out and this is not a joke as a book is on the way.

The first podcast I was on let's start there. This was back in 2008 my very good friend and trustee Simon started to goof around with Brandon aka "Brother Detox" on what is known as Blog Talk Radio. We had some fun, Detox liked to talk about worms and Simon loved to make fun of trolls, and me on air which was actually a lot of fun.

They got busy with life and so for a while they couldn't be on as much so I continued on my own and started to listen to some others on there for tips on what to do, say and be like and so on. After listening to Jeremiah Greer, Alejandro Rojas, Jesse Randolph, Todd "Mr E" Anderson and yes Divini! I really started to enjoy the format after years of being a Art Bell, Neil Rogers, Jorge Rodriguez and Phil Hendrie fan I thought "ok well I can't be as good as them! But this could be fun." 

I was right about 1 thing... I'm not as good as them. But I've gotten better I hope over the course of the years. Thanks to Jeremiah Greer who took me sort of under his wing I met people like the Late Dennis Crenshaw who became a very dear friend who I miss so much. His buddy and co host to the show "Unraveling the Secrets" Rick Ozman" who is a very good guy himself, I got to really enjoy paranormal and spooky radio again after the departure of Art Bell from AM for so long. At the same time I had the  honor of meeting Jorge Rodriguez of the FLORIDA Iconic show "The Neil Rogers Show" and became friends with Jorge. We ended up doing an episode where I went out to his studio and was really nervous because here was someone I really enjoyed as a Radio voice.

He noticed I was shaky and let me have it in a fun way.. But I ended up learning a lot from him over the years and he became one of my closest friends. He was the owner of SoFloRadio.com but I'm getting a head of myself. Going back to the Blog Talk Radio days when I was there it was Jeremiah Greer who told me I should join an online station away from Blog Talk and he got me into a network online he broadcasted from. For a while it was fun but Dennis Crenshaw, Rick Ozman and new friend Jamie Havicon who also had a podcast called "Florida UFO's" wanted to start their own network. They came to me and we began putting together what became now "Public Streaming Network." While Dennis passed away, Rick went off to work for another company and well Jamie got more into music and we haven't spoken much in a while I continued to broadcast on PSN Radio and SoFloRadio with Jorge. 

One Day Jamie and I went and worked on a show which ended up as the lead in show on the online network being put together for Art Bell by his long time producer the honorable one Keith Rowland. Love that guy... Sadly Jamie didn't end up doing the show but my long time friend Seth Alan Weiler dropped in as the "Other Guy" on the show and we went on to produce a few years on air together of some of the best and most fun ufology shows  you will find. The Art Bell network was called "Dark Matter Digital Network" and it while it was fun that ended the day we lost Art Bell.

Jorge Rodriguez was also lost short after and while the network he had SoFloRadio is being kept alive in his honor we miss him a ton. The years on radio have been fun and bad... Many ups and downs. Some trolls, some online drama, and overall I wouldn't change a thing.

I've got much more to say about myself but again you will have to read the book and well keep coming back here for more details as I will continue to update this my news, info and main site.

Love you all......... Angel Espino

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