Real UFO Footage? Or AI?

Well This other wise incredible scene has leaked online, which shows people in hazmat suits studying the ship while a group of military personnel watch from a distance, was reportedly created by a digital artist called Supervision using the image-generating program Midjourney. Posted online last week with the purpose of showcasing the incredible ability of AI, the footage was repurposed and spread across social media by unscrupulous individuals and pranksters claiming it is genuine footage of a downed UFO.

While of course this isn't the case, one could be forgiven if they were initially fooled by the "footage" considering how real it looks. To that end, the video is a rather sobering testament to how far artificial intelligence has come, as differentiating between genuine media and fabulous inventions has become an increasingly difficult task that will only become even more challenging in the future. 
The worst part of this whole thing is with today's tech we cannot tell anymore what is real and what is not real.

That said, perhaps the skeptical approach to paranormal videos will ultimately apply to equally wondrous AI-created scenes, because if it's too good to be true, it probably isn't. The reality is with the new tech coming off so easily to create at home by anyone that being able to fool gullible people has become more and more easier. So please folks don't be fooled by things you see online OR by these drones in the skies as none of this is Alien. The drones are mostly coming from the CCP, IRAN, and Russia. Believe it or not a lot of the Biden to Ukraine money went for them to also get advancement in their science and Tech and it's money they have allocated from the Billions Biden gave them.

The whole Ukraine v Russia war is like this video. FAKE and only being done for Money, and to help enrich our global enemies or as Joe Biden called them... Hunters work buddies.

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