Health UPDATE: back home!

Got back home tonight  and the report isn't great.. I had water building up around my heart, and it's because of my Lupus, and Thyroid. This also explained the coughing up blood. Doctor said I must have had a vain popped and it bleed out. They also found my stomach pain was due to having an enlarged Appendix. 

As a kid I almost had to have surgery to have it removed but they put me on medication and I got better and avoided the surgery. But the pain I've had since as I've got older is because it's got larger. Now it's not got larger since 2019 which means it's in a stable size but might have to start thinking about having that also removed.

My two other tumors which I need removed on my thyroid will soon get done and so will the one on my right wrist and right ankle. This and my back which has an L4/L5 break from a 2019 accident means I'm all messed up! LOL This is why I'm pending disability since sadly I can't get a full time job and right now my show isn't paying. So this is why I ask for those who check out the site to please check out my page over on Patreon. Become an Angel Investor and help out as this is about the only way I can keep the bills from putting me under a bridge. The sad reality is to get disability I can't have a regular job even part time or they will deny me. But if I could work I wouldn't need disability help... The worst part is they make you wait 300 plus days for an answer everytime you have to re do the process... I've been at this for 5 years since my injury, and other health issues have kept me from being able to work. 

I want to say that the entire staff at the hospital Jackson South was just fantastic! From the nursing staff to the doctors, and even food was all great. Yes even the food was good. The folks who brought me to my room and back to the car were also great and friendly. I'd like to say a special shout out to a couple of very nice ladies who we're my nurses "Natalie & Lorraine" both were very lovely and did a fantastic job. 

For the nights I was there over night and during the day they did a great job making sure I was upbeat and keeping me feeling as comfortable as possible, again I went in there in real bad shape. The system we live in makes no sense. But thanks to good people like those here there is evidence not all hope is lost.

The sad thing about the way things work is that it's just not fair when you see how illegal's are being allowed to come in and given all this stuff we the USA citizens are not getting. Anyway In a few days we get to have the 2024 election certified and I sure hope it all goes smooth and we don't have any issues. As if something breaks out and we go into civil unrest I'm in no shape to fight off some commies right now! Or Aliens, Zombies and Radical Liberals (Antifa/BLM). You know it's not a good time. 

But let's with for the best....

By the way hope everyone has a happy new year! 2025 is going to be awesome... STAY SAFE and HAVE FUN!

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