Reminder for my podcast...

Remember friends I'm limited to the amount of shows I can do because of location, and health issues so if my being live on my podcast is a bit scattered in the new year it's because I'm in a bad situation. 

The 2025 year will have major updates on here on both my health, politics, and the progress on the book I'm writing plus which will detail my history, how I got into podcasting plus much more interesting things trust me.

Just hope I can finish it before my illnesses finish me. The sad reality is without the help from Disability I might not be able to as currently my health is getting worse. 

This is my main website for my show "Inside Tha Jackals Head" please listen to it there live Sundays at 10pm est. The show is aimed to bring realism to the masses, and this is also the goal of the book, and my other possible things in the works.

Also all my shows will be up for free downloads on

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